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Software Infrastructure for Distributed Systems

Industry General Computing Prototyping Boards

For Industry
and Critical Systems

For General Computing

For Microcontrollers
and Single-Board Computers

Formal Assistant

Formal Assistant logo

Design and Verify Software Models using Flexible Proof Framework

Formal Methods Toolkit

Formal Methods Toolkit logo

Design Models, Verify and Generate Code for Safety-Critical Systems

Embedded HTTP Server

Embedded HTTP Server logo

Allow the web browser to display your GUI

Programmable Diagrams

Prodiams Example Prodiams Example Wolfram Language Logo

Versatile and Predictible

Generated and Reusable

Powered by Mathematica


Most recent events and releases:

Formal Assistant 1.0 released

StreamDB - persistency for simple projects

YAMI4 2.0.0 released

Formal Methods Toolkit 2.0 released

Embedded HTTP Server 1.0 released

Other news

Formal Methods Toolkit - YouTube playlist

Ada on ARM Cortex-M tutorial

Logic Assistant - Boolean expression converter

Read more to learn how Inspirel products help their users make better software systems.

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