Package com.inspirel.yami

Interface Summary
ConnectionEventCallback The callback interface that is used to notify the user code about the change in the set of connections.
IncomingMessageCallback The callback interface that is used to notify the user code that the new incoming message has been received.
LogCallback The callback interface for communicating log events.
OutgoingMessageCallback The callback interface that is used to notify the user code that the state of the outgoing message has changed.
ValuePublisherOverflowCallback The callback interface that is used to notify the user code that the message cannot be published without delay due to the overflow condition in one of the subscribers.
YAMISerializable Common interface for serializable entities in YAMI.

Class Summary
Agent Message broker.
Agent.OutgoingFlowState Helper class for returning the state of outgoing flow.
IncomingMessage Incoming message.
OptionNames This class groups constant values for option names.
OutgoingMessage Outgoing message.
OutgoingMessage.MessageStateInfo Helper class for reporting full message state
Parameters Collection of message parameters.
Parameters.Entry Class representing a single entry in the collection.
Parameters.EntryIterator Iterator class for visiting all entries in the collection.
RawBinaryDataSource Serializable wrapper for the raw binary data.
ValuePublisher Simple subscription publisher.
ValuePublisher.SubscriberInfo Helper class for holding destination target and object for any given subscriber.
Version Library version information.

Enum Summary
ConnectionEventCallback.ConnectionEvent Type of connection event.
OutgoingMessage.MessageState Enumeration defining all possible message states.
Parameters.EntryType Enumeration defining all possible entry types.
ValuePublisherOverflowCallback.OverflowHandling Enumeration type defining possible decisions in the case of notification overflow.

Exception Summary
BadProtocolException Exception class, used to indicate that a given protocol was not recognized.
BadStateException Exception class, used to indicate that a given object is in the inappropriate state for the requested operation.
BadTypeException Exception class, used to indicate that the entry has a different type than expected.
NoSuchNameException Exception class, used to indicate that the named entry or object was not found.
UnexpectedValueException Exception class, used to indicate that the value used to serialize or deserialize data cannot be properly processed.
YAMIIOException Exception class, used to indicate a general I/O error.