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Programming Distributed Systems with YAMI4

4.3 Configuration Options

The agent can be configured with a set of configuration options that are provided when the agent is constructed. All configuration options are set as data entries in a single parameters object.

The following subsections describe all recognized options.

4.3.1 TCP Listening Backlog

4.3.2 TCP Reuse Server Address

4.3.3 TCP Non-Blocking I/O

4.3.4 TCP Connect Timeout

4.3.5 TCP No-Delay

4.3.6 TCP Keepalive

4.3.7 TCP Frame Size

4.3.8 UDP Frame Size

4.3.9 Unix Listening Backlog

4.3.10 Unix Non-Blocking I/O

4.3.11 Unix Frame Size

4.3.12 File Non-Blocking I/O

4.3.13 File Frame Size

4.3.14 Dispatcher Threads

4.3.15 Connection Retries

4.3.16 Connection Retry Delay Spread

4.3.17 Outgoing Water Marks

4.3.18 Incoming Water Marks

4.3.19 Raw Binary Delivery

4.3.20 Default Failover Timeout

4.3.21 Incoming Queue Max Length

4.3.22 Ada

4.3.23 C++

4.3.24 Java

4.3.25 .NET

4.3.26 Python