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Programming Distributed Systems with YAMI4

4.3.23 C++

Creating an agent object in C++ with 5 dispatcher threads instead of default one can be achieved with the following code:

#include <yami.h>

using namespace yami;
using namespace yami::option_names;
// ...

    parameters options;
    options.set_integer(dispatcher_threads, 5);

    agent my_agent(options);
    // ...

The yami::option_names namespace defines convenient string constants for all available configuration options.

Any subset of options can be used in a single parameters object and those options which are not provided are considered to have their default values.

No parameters object needs to be provided if all-default setup is intended, as shown in the following example:

#include <yami.h>

using namespace yami;
// ...

    agent my_agent;
    // ...