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Programming Distributed Systems with YAMI4

3.4.1 Ada

The YAMI.Parameters package defines the indefinite type Parameters_Collection and a set of primitive operations, including constructor functions that have to be used to provide an initial value:

with YAMI.Parameters;
use YAMI.Parameters;

-- ...
   Params : Parameters_Collection := Make_Parameters;
   -- ...

Objects of the Parameters_Collection type can be created as local objects, at the library level or dynamically allocated. For consistency of handling finalization, there is a dedicated access type with convenience constructor function that allocates the object dynamically and with the Free function for proper deallocation:

   Params : Parameters_Collection_Access := New_Parameters;
   --  ...
   Free (Params);

It is relatively inexpensive to create empty parameters objects, so the recommended practice is to create them in the innermost scope where they are needed.